Start A Business In A Weekend & Never Need Another Job: 3 Part Series

Make Money Without A Job Part 1/3

Hi it’s your favorite country cousin JT!

I have a very cool idea I want to test out. Really it’s more of an hypothesis. I believe that anyone can start a business over the course of a weekend (if they really wanted to) and overtime build it up to be able to supplement or replace their current 9-5 Income.

That being said I will be sending you 3 emails, 1 per day for the next 3 days, coaching you on how to do it. Here’s what you’ll learn:

Part 1: Part 1: The Why and How of Starting Your E-commerce Journey

Part 2: Part 2: Setting Up for Success on Shopify

Part 3: Final Day 3: Here's One Tool You Can Use To Make Enough Money From Home To Not Need A Job!

Are you ready to get started with Part 1?

Why E-commerce? Unveiling the Potential

  • Market Growth: E-commerce sales projected to hit $6.5 trillion in 2023.

  • Consumer Shift: Crossed over 2.14 billion unique global digital buyers in 2021.

  • Accessibility: 24/7 sales potential, reaching customers beyond geographical limits.

Product Research: The Art of Finding the Right Product

  1. Market Analysis: Utilize Google Trends to track rising product interests. For instance, if "sustainable fashion" is trending, it could be a lucrative niche.

  2. Social Media Insights: Explore Instagram and Pinterest for trending products. Notice what influencers are promoting.

  3. Competitor Analysis: Tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs can provide insights into what competitors in your niche are selling and how they're marketing.

Sourcing Your Products: Making the Right Choices

  • Dropshipping: Use platforms like AliExpress or Oberlo to find products without inventory. Ideal for testing product viability.

  • Direct Sourcing: Attend trade shows or use directories like ThomasNet to find manufacturers for unique products.

  • Quality Assurance: Order samples to check quality. This step is crucial to ensure customer satisfaction.

Action Steps:

  • Start with a broad product idea, then narrow it down using market research tools.

  • Choose a sourcing method that suits your business model.

Now Cuz I’m intentionally splitting this into a 3 part series to give you time to take action on each step before giving you the next. My hope is this will reduce if not eliminate analysis paralysis also called information overload. Now go take action and sign up for Shopify for only $1 per month your first 3 months: 

See you in Pt. 2

-Your Favorite Country Cousin JT